This conversation took place sometime last year. Just felt like sharing. Beware... there are some cusswords.
Dueteronomy - 22:23-24 ... in plain english it states that it is gods law that if a woman is in a city and is raped, and she doesnt scream loud enough to be heard by someone, then it is their duty to stone her to death along with the person who raped her!!!!! how's your happy irrationality now? have some fucking courage and call bullshit , "bullshit"..!! and you love your god why ?? because he's loving and just ! because he forgives you for all the things you feel guilty about? because you "feel" happy ? the next time you go to church and have a smile on your face, think about the horrors that have been done to women from the past for the insanity of the bible that you believe in. if you join this cult you condone these actions. insane ? it is! irrational ? you are! happy ? how ? when happiness comes from being irrational, thats when true chaos insues.. give me a fuckin break ! you're smarter than this shit !
Wow, so I will look into that in get back to you. Why do i feel like i just got cussed out by my friend?
true friends tell the truth. true friends dont let friends jump off bridges or walk in front of cars. i was wrong about being happy that you're happy. i guess sometimes being cussed out and being told the truth can sometimes feel the same. you know as well as i do that there are things in the bible that you cant square up as good or rational no matter how you spin it. you cant believe this stuff and call yourself a good person. you cant say " it was god and he can do what he wants ". maybe you're right and there is a god but it aint the one you worship and if it is , he is not worthy of you. when my standards are higher than gods , there's a problem. and if your standards are the same as his ( the god of the bible) then theres a problem. this bible is harmful to people. it is harming you if you can be alright with what it says god is. for some reason you cant except that you live in a real world that can suck and be hard and down right shitty at times but it doesnt give you the right to lie to yourself because it makes you happy. your exceptance of this religion is saying that it's ok to do the things that god has commanded , rape, murder, theft, against people who don't believe.. if you follow your religion then you are suppossed to kil me.. when people actually follow what it says.. people die. you can see it everywhere. and i'm not going to wait for the day that you try to kill me to tell you , you are crazy. if i'm hurting your feelings i dont care, and i won't apologize just like i wouldnt be sorry for scuffing you knee after ripping you off the ledge of the bridge. i wont let you lose your mind and not say anything. I Wont Do It! friendship lost or not..
Okay, really? God does not tell me to rape murder and steal from non-believers. These are in the 10 commandments which are part of the old covenant and from the beginning of time those things are not okay. And in the new covenant Jesus says that ALL of the laws boil down to one… and we are to LOVE EVERYONE. When you love everyone you don’t judge them or hurt them in any way shape or form. We are to love even our enemies. Jesus actually tells people that some of the old laws were put in place for that time period but with His arrival there is a new covenant put into place. So if someone does us wrong, yes, we are supposed to love them. Does this mean justice should not be served? No. We though, are not supposed to take that justice in our hands.
Let’s see, if you’re son does something wrong, do you let him continue to do wrong, or do you try to teach him the correct way to act? Do you punish him? Out of love you punish him for his misbehavior or what not because you do not want him to grow to be a rapist, thief, murderer, poor excuse for a man. So really, as a father would you not expect for God to punish his children? Besides that, I don’t live in a fear of being punished. There were laws in place and people broke them and always will. I did read that part of the bible you pointed out. And I will find out the wordage used in the Hebrews scriptures to see exactly what it said, but I read three different bible translations and they all said that if a man takes a virgin to be wed in town and she does not cry for help that they should be stoned. It doesn’t even state rape in that instance (in all three translations). And honestly, this is definitely a hard passage for me. But the part where it states rape is if the girl is in the country. And yeah, the guy gets stoned in that instance and the girl does not. Anyways, I did read it. I do not in any way shape or form condone rape. Virgin rape is completely despicable to me. I think it is funny that you chose something that you knew would get to me because of my circumstances. That was very intelligent of you.
And oh yeah, as for this not feeling guilty for what I’ve done wrong thing. Honestly, if I lived by the worlds standards, I wouldn’t feel guilty at all for being a slut. Yep I said it. I called myself a slut. And I wouldn’t feel guilty for drinking entirely too much way too often and making poor decisions. After all, it’s everywhere. SEX is everywhere. Divorces are everywhere. Screwed up kids from people having sex too often with too many people out of wedlock… they are everywhere. EVERYWHERE. This world says do what you want if it makes you happy. The world says only be nice to people who are nice to you. The world says repay good for good and bad for bad. The world says money will make you happy. Sex will make you happy. Alcohol will make you happy. The world says kids’ role models are girls that dress too sexy and promote themselves in such a manner and guys that are self centered self righteous jerks. The world says a persons self worth is entirely wrapped up in "self". How you look, how much money you have, what you own. The world says it’s okay to kill unborn children when you go out and have an affair or have sex and realize you don’t want a kid. (which even as a non-believer I did not agree with) So seriously, by the world’s standards, what have I to feel guilty about. Really, at this point in my life, nothing. Yeah, in the past I screwed up, even by the worlds standards. But the world does not care. So I don’t need to. So… basically, really, the world verses the bible? Where is the horror? What this world is teaching my kids, I so do not agree with. Even as a non believer I could see the things that this world is teaching my kids was not up to my standards. The horrors done to women or people in general in the name of "religion" are not believers in the same God I believe in, or they have made up their own ideas and are following things that are not of God. The reason why the world sucks and is downright shitty is because of "people." Because people don’t have morals and standards that are of a level worthy of anything. Do you know it is taught in my church that no one is "a good person."? You wanna know why, because everyone screws up. Everyone, even "Christians." Even pastors, deacons, elders, you name it. So I don’t think God makes me a good person. I think I will do my best to love everyone. And I won’t ever be perfect. The world sucks because no one wants to take responsibility for their actions and change. They just want to blame someone else and make excuses for it and keep on living like that. Yeah, the world sucks. And if I find happiness in a place and with beliefs where I use my time being helpful to others, caring for others, loving others, how is that bad? I find happiness in a God who has forgiven me for my mistakes when I haven’t. I find happiness with people who don’t say a cuss word every other word, who love on me, who treat me with respect. I find happiness in not going out drinking every weekend to the point of drunkenness. I find happiness in saying NO to all of the guys trying to get in my pants. I find happiness in knowing that this world, it’s not all there is.
I have told you before and will tell you again, there are and probably always will be some things that bother me that I find in the Bible. I would not be a human being if they didn’t. There are things I will question. You know that I analyze things and have a hard time believing what I cannot see for myself. However, I have seen things happening to people around me and myself that you would call coincidences that have gone far beyond coincidence. How many do you see happening before you believe that there is something more at work than "the universe working in harmony"? No one has been able to prove the bible wrong. There are so many prophecies that came to fruition in the bible that it is a mathematical impossibility for them all to happen. Some of them almost mathematical impossibilities by themselves. There are things said in the bible that Science at the time disagreed with, but a person wrote them based on God and it turns out 2000 to 3000 years later, the bible was right, not science. And these are things science now has to agree with. So you see, science has been proved wrong numerous times about things, continually, but the bible, hasn’t happened.
I am still learning, as I was before when we met. Only this time, my faith is stronger. I not only "feel" happier, but I don’t "feel" empty. I have faith in something. And faith is just that… faith. I have faith in something that is supernatural. And because of that some things are left "unexplainable." But really, you can’t explain it all even in your "rationality". I myself had a disbelief of God. We have talked about it. I’ve talked about it with a few people. I saw God the way you do. I still struggle with that. I still read things and question it because of my view of how I thought God was/is. Some of it may not make sense. Some of it is hard to grasp. But like I said before, I would much rather have faith in God and in the bible and live by standards far exceeding this world’s. Because in that, I find peace, joy and hope.. In it, I find love. In it, I find what I’ve been missing for most of my life. In Him, I find my place in this sucky world.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Conversation with Self
Conversation With Self
January 16, 2008
Why do You hurt Me?
Why do You allow Me to feel this pain?
Why do You allow him to talk to Me like that?
Why do You talk to Me like that?
Why do You always put Me down?
Why do You forget to love Me?
Why do You think I'm so bad?
Why do You yearn for attention no matter the kind?
Why do You think I'm ugly?
Why do You think I'm fat?
Why do You keep repeating the same pattern?
Why do You sell Me short constantly?
Why do You seem to always fail Me?
You are Me.
I am You.
A Change Is Needed.
Why can't You change Me?
I wrote this a year ago. It's amazing how much can change and yet how much remains the same. I do know, that in that year, ALOT has happened. And praise God, I know now, the "change" that was needed, was finding my way back to Jesus. Does that mean my life is now a bed of roses? No. Does it mean that I never feel any of that anymore? No. But it does mean I have a Savior, and I have hope and love, that I didn't have then.
January 16, 2008
Why do You hurt Me?
Why do You allow Me to feel this pain?
Why do You allow him to talk to Me like that?
Why do You talk to Me like that?
Why do You always put Me down?
Why do You forget to love Me?
Why do You think I'm so bad?
Why do You yearn for attention no matter the kind?
Why do You think I'm ugly?
Why do You think I'm fat?
Why do You keep repeating the same pattern?
Why do You sell Me short constantly?
Why do You seem to always fail Me?
You are Me.
I am You.
A Change Is Needed.
Why can't You change Me?
I wrote this a year ago. It's amazing how much can change and yet how much remains the same. I do know, that in that year, ALOT has happened. And praise God, I know now, the "change" that was needed, was finding my way back to Jesus. Does that mean my life is now a bed of roses? No. Does it mean that I never feel any of that anymore? No. But it does mean I have a Savior, and I have hope and love, that I didn't have then.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
God can use the bad for good
It seems as if sometimes we beat ourselves up with guilt or whatever it may be, about bad choices/decisions. A few years ago, I decided to leave my husband. We mutually agree the marriage was bad. Now, there was no infidelity. And I know what the Bible says, but my life and many others have been changed for the better and completely blessed by that decision.
After I left he started seeking counsel and Calvary Chapel was recommended to him. He and his previous ex wife (and her beau) were all attending, as well as our children. I one day decided to find out what all the fuss was about. God does have a funny way of getting us places. One sitting through a teaching (while my ex was out of town) and I knew that was my church home. I was amazed. I had been to other churches and hadn’t been to one like this before. Changes immediately started happening.
But through it all there was something holding me back. I knew I had to get a divorce. I knew that my life wasn’t meant to be lived with the man I married before I found my way back to Christ. But many people tried to guide me in the direction of staying married. Myself, my ex, his ex, her boyfriend and all of our children got saved and baptized. There were wonderful things happening. It was fabulous, and yet, there was something holding me back. I just didn’t understand why a God who wanted to bless me and who was blessing all of us and everyone we each invited to church, would want me to go back to that situation. I know we were changing, but he was still him and I was still me.
So I eventually ran from God. I ran hard and fast. Lead on by guilt trips I had put on myself. Not understanding things. Being confused. And then analytically deciding it was all preposterous. And that God wasn’t real. During the time I had walked (ran) away, I definitely felt like my life was a mess. I went back on psychiatric meds. I drank a lot. I partied a lot. I basically was just living. And finding any sort of source of escape that I possibly could.
After about 5 or 6 months of running, my divorce was final. Of course celebrated by partying (along with my birthday). During that time, a few times I said "God, if you’re real I need you to show me." Shortly after that, someone I had dated became a reason in my head for me to attend service on Easter. I was pleasantly surprised to find out the softball season was starting. I loved playing softball and wanted to play. At the time, they changed the rules and requirements, and I had to make some quick changes so I could play. I started attending church every Sunday and Thursday again. At first reluctantly. But God grabbed ahold of me and wouldn’t let me go. He showed me over and over how He was real. He showed me His love and His mercy.
I have thought about this… over and over again. You know some people may say it was coincidence. I think it’s more than coincidence. He waited til my divorce was final to help me find my way back. He had the rules for being able to play softball changed for like 2 weeks, while I was wanting to sign up. He used a person who actually hasn’t even been going to church since then, to get me in church. After I started attending again I went back off the meds. So you see, God used the situation, for wonderful things.
I know some might still think after all of that, that I was wrong to still want a divorce after finding Christ again. But I say, it’s how my life is being used to glorify God. It’s what it took for ME to find Him and walk with Him. I don’t understand everything. I don’t know why, or how. I don’t have all of the answers, but in my heart and soul, I know, that God will use things that we see as bad for good. And sometimes, the answer isn’t always black and white. Sometimes God’s plan is outside of our human comprehension.
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